The Pardoner in the 'Dogges Boure' : Early Reception of the Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
Allen, Elizabeth.

The Pardoner in the 'Dogges Boure' : Early Reception of the Canterbury Tales

Chaucer Review 36: 91-127, 2001.

The reception of the Pardoner can be more fully understood by examining medieval preachers' and orators' uses of examples, or stories that would "excite" an audience to behave virtuously. By "laying bare" his own selfish desires, the Pardoner elicits rage from the Host and the pilgrims, ironically making the audience desire morality. The Pardoner's reception can also be understood more effectively by analyzing manuscript variants and by seeking to understand why the audience responds to the Pardoner's challenge.

Chaucer Subjects
Pardoner and His Tale.
Manuscripts and Textual Studies