Places in the Text : Topographicist Approach to Chaucer

Author / Editor
Knight, Stephen.

Places in the Text : Topographicist Approach to Chaucer

R. F. Yeager and Charlotte C. Morse, eds. Speaking Images: Essays in Honor of V. A. Kolve (Asheville, N.C.: Pegasus Press, 2001), pp. 445-61.

Knight calls for a critical confrontation with the semiotics of place in Chaucer, commenting on a number of topographical references in Chaucer's works, suggesting closer examination of implications of places to which Chaucer traveled (especially Genoa) and noting underexplored claims of association with Chaucer in modern tourist sites.

Alternative Title
Speaking Images: Essays in Honor of V. A. Kolve.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Chaucer's Life.