The Idea of Englishness in the Fifteenth Century

Author / Editor
Pearsall, Derek.

The Idea of Englishness in the Fifteenth Century

Helen Cooney, ed. Nation, Court and Culture: New Essays on Fifteenth-Century English Poetry (Dublin and Portland, Ore.: Four Courts Press, 2001), pp. 15-27.

There was no growing sense of an English nation until the time of Henry VIII, although there were momentary surges in 1290-1340 and 1410-1420, the latter focused on Chaucer. Language is crucial to nation building, and the process of "accrediting English as a language of choice" in medieval England proceeded "slowly and fitfully."

Alternative Title
Nation, Court and Culture: New Essays on Fifteenth-Century English Poetry.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
Language and Word Studies.