Editing Chaucer: John Koch and the Forgotten Tradition

Author / Editor
Utz, Richard [J.]

Editing Chaucer: John Koch and the Forgotten Tradition

Wladyslaw Witalisz, ed. "And Gladly Wolde He Lerne and Gladly Teche": Studies on Language and Literature in Honour of Professor Dr. Karl Heinz Göller (Kraków: Wydawnictno Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, 2001)

Argues that John Koch ought to be considered one of the great editors of Chaucer's works, even though he is largely forgotten by Anglophone Chaucerians who downplay German contributions to the field.

Alternative Title
And Gladly Wolde He Lerne and Gladly Teche (Goller).

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.