The Properties of a Stemma: Relating the Manuscripts in Two Texts from The Canterbury Tales
- Author / Editor
- Jones, Alex.
The Properties of a Stemma: Relating the Manuscripts in Two Texts from The Canterbury Tales
- Published
- Parergon 18.2: 25-52, 2001.
- Description
- Scholars continue to reflect on whether particular readings of CT are authorial revisions or scribal editing and on what Chaucer's plans for the work might have been. Understanding manuscript relationships for any particular tale can help set the limits for such an enquiry. Jones constructs the stemmata that best describe manuscript relationships for GP and WBP.
- Chaucer Subjects
- Manuscripts and Textual Studies.
- General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
- Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
- Canterbury Tales--General.