From Text to Man : Re-Creating Chaucer in Sixteenth-Century Editions
- Author / Editor
- Bly, Siobhain.
From Text to Man : Re-Creating Chaucer in Sixteenth-Century Editions
- Published
- Comitatus 30: 131-65, 1999.
- Description
- Sixteenth-century editions of Chaucer's works "reflect a gradual transition from text-based definitions of what constitutes Chaucer to author-focused ones." Bly considers Thynne's edition of 1532, Stowe's of 1561, and Speght's of 1602, discussing "visual components" of the editions, prefatory matter, and the corpus they include, observing a growing emphasis on Chaucer as a "flesh-and-blood historical personage."
- Chaucer Subjects
- Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.