Prolegomenon to a Print History of The Parson's Tale : The Novelty and Legacy of Wynken de Worde's Text

Author / Editor
Ransom, Daniel J.

Prolegomenon to a Print History of The Parson's Tale : The Novelty and Legacy of Wynken de Worde's Text

David Raybin and Linda Tarte Holley, eds. Closure in The Canterbury Tales: The Role of The Parson's Tale (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 2000), pp. 77-93.

Preliminary collations of The Parson's Tale lines 10.75-551 indicate that de Worde's 1498 edition of the Tale derived from a high-quality manuscript rather than from William Caxton's second edition. Such editorial effort reflects high regard for The Parson's Tale in the fifteenth century and influenced later reception.

Alternative Title
Closure in The Canterbury Tales: The Role of the Parson's Tale.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
Parson and His Tale.