Caxton and Malory : A Re-View

Author / Editor
Matthews, William.

Caxton and Malory : A Re-View

Arthuriana 7: 31-62, 1997.

Contests N. F. Blake's views of Caxton, Caxton's publishing plans, and his motives and quality as an editor, discussing at length the Canterbury Tales editions of 1478 and 1484 and other works of Chaucer. Matthews defends Caxton as a careful editor, assesses evidence related to the lost manuscript Caxton used in revising The Canterbury Tales, and argues both that Caxton may have commissioned Stefano Surigone's memorial of Chaucer and that John Leland offers reliable information about the Chaucer tablet at Westminster Abbey.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
Chaucer's Life.
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.
Background and General Criticism.