Dreams in The Kingis Quair and the Duke's Book

Author / Editor
Spearing, A. C.

Dreams in The Kingis Quair and the Duke's Book

Mary-Jo Arn, ed. Charles d'Orlans in England, 1415-1440 (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2000), pp. 123-44.

Compares Charles's "Fortunes Stabilnes" with James I's "Kingis Quair," focusing on their dream visions and the narrators' responses to dreams. James's poem is more distinctly Chaucerian in its political and philosophical implications, while Charles's is "a literary fiction of a private life," more loosely organized, more playful, and more artificial.

Arn, Mary-Jo, ed.

Alternative Title
Charles d'OrleĢans in England, 1415-1440.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.