Paronomasia e Mito : La Nuclearit Genealogica come Discorso di Origine

Author / Editor
Monti, Alessandro.

Paronomasia e Mito : La Nuclearit Genealogica come Discorso di Origine

Strumenti Critici 14: 129-42. , 1999.

Argues that Rudyard Kipling's story "The Wish House" was influenced by WBP. Key words in Chaucer's text ("daunger," "chep") and connotations of the word "ash" (part of the surname of Kipling's leading character, Ashcroft) reveal that Chaucer's work constantly and consciously underlies "The Wish House."

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion .
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.