Rolled on Many a Tongue : The Ironic Convergence of Women, Authority, and Language in Five of Chaucer's Works

Author / Editor
Dessart, Jamie Marie Thomas.

Rolled on Many a Tongue : The Ironic Convergence of Women, Authority, and Language in Five of Chaucer's Works

Dissertation Abstracts International 60: 4003A, 1999.

Meanings of the words "women," "authority," and "language" change throughout Chaucer's works, depending on the complex and shifting relationships of speaker, persona, scribe, and audience, plus pervasive irony. Treats TC, LGW, ClT, FranT, and SNT.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Legend of Good Women.
Second Nun and Her Tale.
Franklin and His Tale.
Clerk and His Tale.