Rough Music: : Popular Culture in The Miller's Tale

Author / Editor
Valdes Miyares, Ruben.

Rough Music: : Popular Culture in The Miller's Tale

Ana María Hornero and María Pilar Navarro, eds. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of S.E.L.I.M. (Zaragoza: Institucion Fernando el Catolico (CSIC), 2000), pp. 267-75.

The Miller's bagpipe in GP epitomizes MilT, setting the pace for the pilgrimage and offering the rough justice of popular music as a human alternative to God's arbitrary judgment in the combat of KnT. The Miller questions the hegemony of vested respectability and encourages range and variety.

Alternative Title
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of S.E.L.I.M.

Chaucer Subjects
Miller and His Tale.
Knight and His Tale.