Chaucer's 'Bad Art' : The Interrupted Tales

Author / Editor
Stevens, Martin.

Chaucer's 'Bad Art' : The Interrupted Tales

John M. Hill and Deborah M. Sinnreich-Levi, eds. The Rhetorical Poetics of the Middle Ages: Reconstructive Polyphony. Essays in Honor of Robert O. Payne (Madison, N.J., and London: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press and Associated University Presses, 2000), pp. 130-48.

Th, MkT, and SqT are "double-voiced"; they reveal CT's central concerns with "narratological competence" and Chaucer's self-awareness about his storytelling.

Alternative Title
Rhetorical Poetics of the Middle Ages: Reconstructive Polyphony. Essays in Honor of Robert O. Payne.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
Tale of Sir Thopas.
Monk and His Tale.
Squire and His Tale.