Silence or Shame : How Women's Speech Contributes to Generic Conventionality and Generic Complexity in The Canterbury Tales

Author / Editor
Donnelly, Colleen.

Silence or Shame : How Women's Speech Contributes to Generic Conventionality and Generic Complexity in The Canterbury Tales

Language and Style 24: 433-43, 1991.

Surveys interactions between women's speech and silence, on the one hand, and generic conventions, on the other, in KnT, WBT, ClT, MerT, FranT, and ShT. Chaucer variously confirms or complicates the expectations about female speech embedded in the genres of romance and fabliaux.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Clerk and His Tale.
Merchant and His Tale.
Franklin and His Tale.
Shipman and His Tale.
Knight and His Tale.