A Woman's Life : The Reception History of the Wife of Bath's Tale

Author / Editor
Takahashi, Isamu.

A Woman's Life : The Reception History of the Wife of Bath's Tale

Eigo Seinen 146.8: 499-501, 2000.

Surveys the transformations of the Wife of Bath in "The Wanton Wife of Bath" (1600), Johnson's "A New Sonnet of a Knight and a Faire Virgin" (1612), Fletcher's "Women Pleased" (1620), "Pilgrim's Progress" (1678), "The New Wife of Bath" (1700), Gay's "Wife of Bath" (1711), and "The Riddle" of W. A. Raleigh (1895).
In Japanese.

Alternative Title
"Aru onna no isshō: 'Bāsu no nyōbō' juyōshi."

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.