Is Chaucer a Physikos? Some Comments on a Treatise on the Astrolabe

Author / Editor
Gutiérrez Arranz, José M.

Is Chaucer a Physikos? Some Comments on a Treatise on the Astrolabe

Ana María Hornero and María Pilar Navarro, eds. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of S.E.L.I.M. (Zaragoza: Institucion Fernando el Catolico (CSIC), 2000), pp. 63-74.

Connects Chaucer's views in Astr with a scientific and philosophic tradition of the "Physis" that started in ancient Greece.

Alternative Title
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of S.E.L.I.M.

Chaucer Subjects
Treatise on the Astrolabe.