Die Sprache Chaucers : Ein Lehrbuch des Mittelenglischen auf der Grundlage von Troilus and Criseyde

Author / Editor
Obst, Wolfgang, and Florian Schleburg.

Die Sprache Chaucers : Ein Lehrbuch des Mittelenglischen auf der Grundlage von Troilus and Criseyde

Heidelberg : C. Winter, 1999.

Physical Description
330 pp.

Includes twelve chapters, organized as follows: a passage from TC (usually 100 lines each from MS Cambridge Corpus Christi 61) is followed by a discussion of specific grammatical or phonological features. Thus, chapter one contains the first night the two lovers spend together (TC 3.1394-1498) and an introduction to Middle English orthography and pronunciation. Discussions of Middle English and modern phonetics, the origin of Middle English vowels, semantics, nouns and pronouns, verbs, syntax, nominal and verbal phrases, new categories, and rhetoric and style follow in like manner.

Chaucer Subjects
Troilus and Criseyde.
Language and Word Studies.