A False Imprint in Chaucer's Workes: Protestant Printers in London (and Zurich?)

Author / Editor
Driver, Martha W.

A False Imprint in Chaucer's Workes: Protestant Printers in London (and Zurich?)

Trivium 31: 131-54, 1999.

Analyzes a flyleaf from a ca.1548 printing by Robert Toye of William Thynne's edition of Chaucer's Workes as evidence that Toye was part of a group of "active radical Protestant" printers. The flyleaf includes Ulrich Zwingli's The Rekenynge and Declaracion of the Fayth, and the imprint carefully incorporates The Plowman's Tale. This essay includes information about Dutch printers working in mid-sixteenth-century England.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations
Chaucerian Apocrypha
Plowman and the Tale