Pragmatic Markers in the Wife of Bath's Prologue

Author / Editor
Blake, N. F.

Pragmatic Markers in the Wife of Bath's Prologue

A. J. Tops, Betty Devriendt, and Steven Geukens, eds. Thinking English Grammar: To Honour Xavier Dekeyser, Professor Emeritus (Leuven: Peeters, 1999), pp. 3-13.

Variants among pragmatic markers-"items which add to the feel of the line or to the organization of the text rather than directly to the sense of the passage"-in the manuscripts of WBP indicate that scribes changed them freely, even subconsciously. Hence, such variants must be used with special caution when seeking to establish manuscript stemmata.

Alternative Title
Thinking English Grammar: To Honour Xavier Dekeyser, Professor Emeritus.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.