Blood, bloody, bleed et leurs collocations dans l'oeuvre de Chaucer

Author / Editor
Dauby, Hélène.

Blood, bloody, bleed et leurs collocations dans l'oeuvre de Chaucer

Le sang au Moyen Âge. Cahiers du CRISIMA, vol. 3, no. 8. (Montpellier: Universit de Montpellier, 1999), pp. 227-35

Although the terms in the title are not the most frequently used in Chaucer's vocabulary, their collocations enable us to explore associations and meanings of colors, the gushing of blood from wounds, the physiology of emotions, devotion to Christ's body, and Chaucer's versification.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies.
Style and Versification.