Chaucer's Literate Characters Reading Their Texts : Interpreting Infinite Regression, or the Narcissus Syndrome

Author / Editor
Jost, Jean E.

Chaucer's Literate Characters Reading Their Texts : Interpreting Infinite Regression, or the Narcissus Syndrome

Albrecht Classen, ed. The Book and the Magic of Reading in the Middle Ages. (New York and London: Garland, 1998), pp. 171-217.

Chaucer involves his readers in a romancelike quest of introspection. By way of infinite regression, they encounter first the text, then a reading character, and finally themselves. The process encourages both Socratic self-knowledge and pleasurable Narcissistic self-absorption. TC, BD, HF, MLT, MerT, WBPT, and NPT receive the most comment.

Classen, Albrecht,ed.

Alternative Title
The Book and the Magic of Reading in the Middle Ages.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Man of Law and His Tale.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Merchant and His Tale.
Nun's Priest and His Tale.
Book of the Duchess.
House of Fame.
Troilus and Criseyde.