Medieval Literature, Style, and Culture : Essays by Charles Muscatine

Author / Editor
Muscatine, Charles.

Medieval Literature, Style, and Culture : Essays by Charles Muscatine

Columbia : University of South Carolina Press, 1999.

Physical Description
xii, 252 pp.

Fourteen previously printed pieces by Muscatine, including articles, sections of books, and reviews. The four essays that pertain to Chaucer are "The Canterbury Tales: Style of the Man and Style of the Work" (1966), "Chaucer's Religion and the Chaucer Religion" (1990; SAC 14 [1992], no. 9), "Chaucer in the Age of Criticism" (1964), and "'What Amounteth Al This Wit?' Chaucer and Scholarship" (1981; SAC 5 [1983], no. 89)

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.