Chaucer's Misfit Pilgrims : The Miller, Reeve, Prioress, and Wife of Bath

Author / Editor
McKay, Kelley Deanne.

Chaucer's Misfit Pilgrims : The Miller, Reeve, Prioress, and Wife of Bath

Geardagum 20 (1999): 101-11

The Miller is a stereotypical Celt, disparaged by society; Oswald the Reeve is an Anglo-Saxon who resents the Celtic Miller's "specialized trade." The Prioress is distanced from secular society by her profession and distanced from her profession by her secularity. The Wife of Bath meets no one's standards but her own.

Chaucer Subjects
Miller and His Tale.
Reeve and His Tale.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Prioress and Her Tale.