Chaucer's Boece : A Syntactic and Lexical Analysis

Author / Editor
Aertsen, Henk.

Chaucer's Boece : A Syntactic and Lexical Analysis

Matti Rissanen and et al, eds. History of Englishes: New Methods and Interpretations in Historical Linguistics. Topics in English Linguistics, no. 10 (Berlin and New York: Gruyter, 1992), pp. 671-87.

The syntactical and lexical innovations in Bo suggest that Chaucer followed Jean de Meun's principles of "open translation" for rendering Latin into the vernacular; similar principles were articulated in the Prologue to the later version of the Wycliffite Bible. Bo generally follows Jean's French translation, although it is clear that Chaucer consulted the Latin original.

Rissanen, Matti, ed.

Alternative Title
History of Englishes: New Methods and Interpretations in Historical Linguistics.

Chaucer Subjects
Language and Word Studies.