'The Stare, that the Conseyl Can Bewrye' in the Parlement of Foulys

Author / Editor
Breeze, Andrew.

'The Stare, that the Conseyl Can Bewrye' in the Parlement of Foulys

Chaucer Review 33: 423-26, 1999.

This line from PF has been taken to mean that the "stare" (magpie) divulges secrets, or betrays. However, "bewrye" can also mean "cover up," suggesting that the bird knows "how to keep a secret." Such a nuance could also apply to TC; Troilus's assertion that he dare not "bywreyen" his love might mean that he dare not conceal it.

Chaucer Subjects
Parliament of Fowls.
Language and Word Studies.
Troilus and Criseyde.