The Frame Is the Thing: Gower and Chaucer and Narrative Entente

Author / Editor
Bowers, Robert.

The Frame Is the Thing: Gower and Chaucer and Narrative Entente

Geardagum 19 (1998): 31-39.

Awareness of narratological levels helps us understand differences in intent in Gower and Chaucer. Comparison of Gower's "Tale of Florent" and Chaucer's WBT illustrates these differences. Overall, Gower has a purpose and achieves closure; Chaucer conceals his purpose and evades closure. With Ret, Chaucer "is just beginning what Gower has ended" (38).

Chaucer Subjects
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.
Chaucer's Retraction.