'Queynte' Arguments: The Ellesmere Order May Be the Most 'Satisfactory' but Is It Chaucer's?

Author / Editor
Forni, Kathleen.

'Queynte' Arguments: The Ellesmere Order May Be the Most 'Satisfactory' but Is It Chaucer's?

Chaucer Yearbook 05 (1998): 79-90.

Claiming "there is no clear textual evidence for the assertion that [the Ellesmere order] reflects Chaucer's intention," Forni questions the authority of the Ellesmere order and examines how that order was canonized as Chaucerian. She contends that it is impossible to determine the order in which Chaucer intended the fragments to be read.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.