Know Thyself: Criticism, Reform and the Audience of 'Jacob's Well'

Author / Editor
Carruthers, Leo.

Know Thyself: Criticism, Reform and the Audience of 'Jacob's Well'

Jacqueline Hamesse et al., eds. Medieval Sermons and Society: Cloister, City, University: Proceedings of International Symposia at Kalamazoo and New York. Textes et etudes du Moyen Age, no. 9 (Louvain-la-Neuve: Fłdłration Internationale des Instituts d'₁tudes Młdiłvales, 1998), pp. 219-40.

Shows how the Middle English sermon series :Jacob's Well" reflects many aspects of contemporary society. Carruthers likens its audience to that of CT.

Hamesse, Jacqueline, et al., ed.

Alternative Title
Medieval Sermons and Society: Cloister, City, University: Proceedings of International Symposia at Kalamazoo and New York. Textes et etudes du Moyen Age, no. 9.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.