The Performance of Middle English Culture: Essays on Chaucer and the Drama in Honor of Martin Stevens

Author / Editor
Paxson, James J., Lawrence M. Clopper, and Sylvia Tomasch, eds.

The Performance of Middle English Culture: Essays on Chaucer and the Drama in Honor of Martin Stevens

Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1998.

Physical Description
ix, 198 pp.

Eleven essays by various authors on medieval theatricality as a cultural process, including discussion of dramatic images and ludic energy in Chaucer and the social and ideological "performativities" of the mystery and morality plays. For six essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Performance of Middle English Culture under Alternative Title.

Clopper, Lawrence M., ed.
Tomasch, Sylvia, ed.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.