Middle English Miscellany: From Vocabulary to Linguistic Variation

Author / Editor
Fisiak, Jacek, ed.

Middle English Miscellany: From Vocabulary to Linguistic Variation

Poznan: Motivex, 1996.

Physical Description
[iv], 283 pp.

Fifteen essays by various authors from the 1994 conference on Middle English held in Rydzyna, Poland. Individual essays consider lexicographical topics such as Middle English sexual vocabulary, plant names, and words associated with fate; morphological studies of weak verbs, plural markers, locatives, and the relations between derivational and inflectional endings; and comparative studies of Anglo-French/Middle English relations and Middle English reflexes in modern English. For two essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Middle English Miscellany under Alternative Title.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.