The Dreame of Chaucer: Boethian Consolation or Political Celebration?

Author / Editor
Thundy, Zacharias P.

The Dreame of Chaucer: Boethian Consolation or Political Celebration?

Carmina Philosophiae 4 (1995): 91-109.

Suggests that as an example of several kinds of prophetic dream described by Macrobius, as an expression of wish fulfillment, and on the authority of Thynne, BD should be called "The Dream of Chaucer." Argues that the poem was probably recited for the last time in celebration of the ascendancy of Henry IV and that it existed in several versions, the last version dated 1399. Cites to support the date the reference to Gaunt as "seynt John" and an identification of the king of the chess game as Henry.

Chaucer Subjects
Book of the Duchess.