The 'Parlement of Foules' and 'Inferno' 5

Author / Editor
Smarr, Janet.

The 'Parlement of Foules' and 'Inferno' 5

Chaucer Review 33 (1998): 113-22.

Like "Inferno" 5, PF contains references to Earthly Paradise and Hell, the dream, and the fate of those who attend to private lusts. Dante compares the plight of souls to that of several kinds of birds, including three of the four bird categories in PF. The descriptions of the lovers painted on the wall in the Venus temple contain six additional names derived from "Inferno" 5, and like Dante's narrator, Chaucer's "I" is only an observer.

Chaucer Subjects
Parliament of Fowls.
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.