The Hero as Editor: Sidney Lanier's Medievalism and the Science of Manhood

Author / Editor
DeVoto, Marya.

The Hero as Editor: Sidney Lanier's Medievalism and the Science of Manhood

Studies in Medievalism 9 (1997): 148-70.

Lanier in the early 1880s produced versions of Malory, Froissart, the Percy ballads, and other works aimed at exposing boys to the chivalry and simple piety of the Middle Ages. The introduction to "The Boy's Froissart" cites Chaucer as a "large and beautiful soul" whose stance and language, exemplified by the envoi to Sted, provide a model of literary manhood.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
Lak of Stedfastnesse.