Jacobean Chaucer: 'The Two Noble Kinsmen' and Other Chaucerian Plays

Author / Editor
Cooper, Helen.

Jacobean Chaucer: 'The Two Noble Kinsmen' and Other Chaucerian Plays

Theresa M. Krier, ed. Refiguring Chaucer in the Renaissance (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1998), pp. 189-209.

Renaissance dramatic adaptations of Chaucer's works often resolve tensions left reverberating in his narratives (e.g.,John Fletcher's "Women Pleased" and WBT; Fletcher's "Four Plays" and FranT). But Fletcher and Shakespeare's "Two Noble Kinsmen" identifies the conflict between love and friendship seen in KnT and replaces its vision of comic order with the insiduousness of mercantilism.

Alternative Title
Refiguring Chaucer in the Renaissance.

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion.
Wife of Bath and Her Tale.
Franklin and His Tale.
Knight and His Tale.