Constructing the Author

Author / Editor
Mowat, Barbara A.

Constructing the Author

R. B. Parker and S. P. Sitner, eds. Elizabethan Theater: Essays in Honor of S. Schoenbaum (Newark: University of Delaware Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1996), pp. 93-110.

Assesses how the sixteenth-century editions of Chaucer by Thynne and Speght helped to create and monumentalize a view of the writer. Renaissance notions of authors, evident in Speght's Chaucer, Holland's Livy, and Harrington's Ariosto, are not the same as those theorized by Foucault and Barthes,but they mark a stage in the development of such a view of authorship.

Parker, R. B., ed.
Sitner, S. P., ed.

Alternative Title
Elizabethan Theater: Essays in honor of S. Schoenbaum.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.