Translations of Chaucer and Virgil by William Wordsworth

Author / Editor
Graver, Bruce E., ed.

Translations of Chaucer and Virgil by William Wordsworth

Ithaca, N.Y., and London: Cornell University Press, 1998.

Physical Description
xxviii, 583 pp.

The Cornell Wordsworth.

Scholarly edition of Wordsworth's modernization of selections from Chaucer (PrT, ManT and part of ManP, a portion of TC, and the apocryphal "Cuckoo and the Nightingale") and portions of Virgil's "Aeneid" and "Georgics," including full apparatus and manuscript facsimiles.
In his "Introduction" to the Chaucer section (pp. 3-29), Graver surveys modernizations of Chaucer from Dryden to Wordsworth--commenting on Wordsworth's efforts to maintain Chaucerian flavor by archaism--and clarifies the chronology of Wordsworth's translation and its publishing history. Wordsworth's distaste for Dryden's translation resulted from the availability of Tyrwhitt's edition.

Wordsworth, William.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.
Prioress and Her Tale.
Manciple and His Tale.
Chaucerian Apocrypha.
Troilus and Criseyde.