Averting Chaucer's Prophecies: Miswriting Mismetering, and Misunderstanding

Author / Editor
Cooper, Helen.

Averting Chaucer's Prophecies: Miswriting Mismetering, and Misunderstanding

Vincent P. McCarren and Douglas Moffat, eds. A Guide to Editing Middle English (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998), pp. 79-93.

Describes the problems of editing Chaucer's works (especially CT), observing that modern editions tend to ignore them.
Comments on editing practices from Thomas Urry forward, focusing on how treatments of meter, punctuation, and glossing in recent editions tend to simplify the text of Chaucer.

Alternative Title
A Guide to Editing Middle English.

Chaucer Subjects
Facsimiles, Editions, and Translations.