The Rapes of Chaucer

Author / Editor
Quinn, William A.

The Rapes of Chaucer

Chaucer Yearbook 5 (1998): 1-18.

Briefly discusses some of the critical responses to Chaucer's alleged raptus of Cecilia Champaigne (Cecily Champain) and how this incident may have influenced certain works, particularly TC, PF, and HF.
Also suggests that the penitential tone of Mel, SNT, and Astr possibly "reflects concerns regarding the Cecilia Chapaigne episode."

Chaucer Subjects
Chaucer's Life.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Parliament of Fowls.
House of Fame.
Tale of Melibee.
Second Nun and Her Tale.
Treatise on the Astrolabe.