Medieval Rereading and Rewriting: The Context of Chaucer's 'ABC'

Author / Editor
Stevenson, Kay Gilliland.

Medieval Rereading and Rewriting: The Context of Chaucer's 'ABC'

Michel Bitot, ed., with Roberta Mullini and Peter Happe. Divers Toyes Mengled: Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture in Honour of Andre Lascombes (Tours: Universite Francois Rabelais, 1996), pp. 27-42.

Explores literary and historical contexts that complicate reception of ABC, including works by Jean de Meun, Guillaume de Deguileville, and John Lydgate. Chaucer's stand-alone translation initiates an immediacy with its audience that is not apparent in Deguileville's "Pelerinage de la vie humaine" or Lydgate's "Pilgrimage of the Life of Man."

Alternative Title
Divers Toyes Mengled: Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture in Honour of Andre Lascombes.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.