Women's 'Pryvete,' May, and the Privy: Fissures in the Narrative Voice in the 'Merchant's Tale,' 1944-86

Author / Editor
Rose, Christine [M.]

Women's 'Pryvete,' May, and the Privy: Fissures in the Narrative Voice in the 'Merchant's Tale,' 1944-86

Chaucer Yearbook 4 (1997): 61-77.

A feminist reading of MerT as a diptych in which sympathy for May as the victim of marital rape is replaced by response to her as a fabliau shrew. May's reading and disposal of Damyan's letter are a "fissure" that marks her transformation and reflects a "fear of the outbreak of the feminine," contained by fabliau conventions.
May's literacy, her connections with the raped Proserpina, and rhetorical instability enable Chaucer to expose patriarchal discourse and to explore a poetics of gender difference.

Chaucer Subjects
Merchant and His Tale.