Marriage and Conversion in Late Medieval Romance

Author / Editor
Goodman, Jennifer R.

Marriage and Conversion in Late Medieval Romance

James Muldoon, ed. Varieties of Religious Conversion in the Middle Ages (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1997), pp. 115-28.

Examines MLT as one of several historical and literary accounts of princesses who marry husbands of a different religion and either convert themselves or persuade their husbands to convert. In addition to Constance, Goodman considers accounts of Clovis and Clothilde, Ethelbert and Bertha, and Floripas, the Saracen princess, from Bagnyon's "Histoire de Charlemagne" (1470) and its Castillian translation (ca. 1500).

Muldoon, James,ed.

Alternative Title
Varieties of Religious Conversion in the Middle Ages.

Chaucer Subjects
Man of Law and His Tale.