[This Worldes Transmutacioun': The Meaning of 'Loci' in 'The Knight's Tale']

Author / Editor
Kawasaki, Masatoshi.

[This Worldes Transmutacioun': The Meaning of 'Loci' in 'The Knight's Tale']

Masahiko Kanno and others, ed. Medieval Heritage: Essays in Honour of Tadahiro Ikegami (Tokyo: Yushodo, 1997), pp. 455-65

Examines changes in the word "loci" in KnT, exploring the topography of "to and fro" and "up and doun."
In Japanese.

Alternative Title
Medieval Heritage: Essays in Honour of Tadahiro Ikegami.

Chaucer Subjects
Knight and His Tale.
Language and Word Studies.