Chaucer and the Idea of the Theatrical Performance

Author / Editor
Axton, Richard.

Chaucer and the Idea of the Theatrical Performance

Michel Bitot, ed., with Roberta Mullini and Peter Happe. Divers Toyes Mengled: Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture in Honour of Andre Lascombes (Tours: Universite Francois Rabelais, 1996), pp. 83-100.

Examines theatricality in Chaucer's work evidenced in spatial representations, the specialized behavior of performers, and the presence of an audience in PrT, SNT, and MilT. Some attention to TC, HF, MkT, SqT, and FranT.

Alternative Title
Divers Toyes Mengled: Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Culture in Honour of Andre Lascombes.

Chaucer Subjects
Prioress and Her Tale.
Second Nun and Her Tale.
Miller and His Tale.