The Image of Nature in Literature, the Media, and Society: Selected Papers, 1993 Conference, Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, March 11-13, 1993, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Author / Editor
Wright, Will,and Steven Kaplan,eds.

The Image of Nature in Literature, the Media, and Society: Selected Papers, 1993 Conference, Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, March 11-13, 1993, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Pueblo, Colo.: Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, [1993].

Physical Description
367 pp.

Fifty-seven essays on a variety of topics. For essays that pertain to Chaucer, search for Image of Nature in Literature, the Media, and Society under Alternative Title.

Kaplan, Steven,ed.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.