Chaucer's Strategies of Translation

Author / Editor
Taylor, Paul Beekman.

Chaucer's Strategies of Translation

Chaucer Yearbook 4 (1997): 1-19.

Explores Chaucer's meanings for "translation" and related terms, using them to examine Chaucer's use of source material. Conjointure, verbal play, etymologizing, and transfer of meaning typify Chaucerian translation, exemplified in Troilus's complaint from Petrarch (TC 1.400-420) and emblematized in the magic ring and brass steed of SqT. Taylor also explores the point at which Chaucer stops translating in Rom, the personification of sound in HF, and various instances of verbal play in CT.

Chaucer Subjects
Sources, Analogues, and Literary Relations.
Troilus and Criseyde.
Squire and His Tale.
Romaunt of the Rose.
House of Fame.