Looking for a Sign: The Quest for Nominalism in Chaucer and Langland

Author / Editor
Minnis, A. J.

Looking for a Sign: The Quest for Nominalism in Chaucer and Langland

A. J. Minnis, Charlotte C. Morse, and Thorlac Turville-Petre, eds. Essays on Ricardian Literature: In Honour of J. A. Burrow (Oxford: Clarendon, 1997), 142-78.

Belief in the salvation of virtuous pagans (the "'facere quod in est' principle") has been associated with nominalist thought. Minnis examines Chaucer's praise of Cambuyskan in SqT to argue that there is no real evidence of nominalist influence on the poet. Langland's treatment of Trajan is likewise not distinctly nominalistic

Alternative Title
Essays on Ricardian Literature: In Honour of J. A. Burrow.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.
Squire and His Tale.