Computer-assisted Stemmatic Analysis and 'Best-Text' Historical Editiong

Author / Editor
Robinson, Peter

Computer-assisted Stemmatic Analysis and 'Best-Text' Historical Editiong

Pieter van Reenan and Margot van Mulken, eds., with the assistance of Janet Dyk. Studies in Stemmatology (Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1996), pp. 71-103.

Describes the value of cladistic analysis in generating multiple, flexible stemmata for texts, arguing that stemmata are useful for indicating what can be used as a best text for editing, not for establishing the text itself. Analyzes variants in "Svipdagsmal" manuscripts and WBP manuscripts, focusing for the latter on spellings in Hengwrt, Ellesmere, Ha4 (British Library Harley 7334), and Cp (Corpus Christi Oxford MS 198), manuscripts attributed to scribes "B" and "D."

Reenan, Pieter van,
Mulken, Margot van,ed.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.