The Language, Hands, and Interaction of the Two Scribes of Egerton 2726 Chaucer Manuscript (En1)

Author / Editor
Mosser, Daniel W.

The Language, Hands, and Interaction of the Two Scribes of Egerton 2726 Chaucer Manuscript (En1)

Norman Blake and Peter Robinson, eds. The Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers, Volume II (London: King's College, Office for Humanities Communications, 1997): pp. 41-53.

Examines characteristic features of the two similar scribal hands of CT manuscript En1, correcting errors and emphases in Manly and Rickert's analysis (1940). The scribes appear initially to have divided their labors before Scribe 2 completed and corrected Scribe 1's portion as well as his own. The dialect is from near Colchester. The date is "the mid-to-late second quarter of the fifteenth century."

Alternative Title
The Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers, Volume II.

Chaucer Subjects
Manuscripts and Textual Studies.