Hypertextuality and Chaucer, or Re-ordering 'The Canterbury Tales' and Other Reader Prerogatives

Author / Editor
Feinstein, Sandy.

Hypertextuality and Chaucer, or Re-ordering 'The Canterbury Tales' and Other Reader Prerogatives

Readerly/Writerly Texts 2 (1996): 135-48.

The selectivity of oral performance and scribal practice parallels the selectivity of hypertext presentation, raising questions about the order of the tales in CT. In MilP, the narrator enjoins readers to arrange the tales as they wish, adumbrating options potentially available in hypertext editions.
Reprinted in Stephanie B. Gibson and Ollie O. Oviedo, eds. The Emerging Cyberculture: Literacy, Paradigm, and Paradox (Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 2000), pp. 45-60.

Gibson, Stephanie B., and Ollie O. Oviedo, eds.

Alternative Title
The Emerging Cyberculture: Literacy, Paradigm, and Paradox.

Chaucer Subjects
Canterbury Tales--General.