...The Anti-Imperial Approaches to Chaucer (Are There Those?): An Essay in Identifying Strategies

Author / Editor
Mead, Jenna.

...The Anti-Imperial Approaches to Chaucer (Are There Those?): An Essay in Identifying Strategies

Southern Review (Adelaide) 27 (1994): 403-17.

A postcolonial meditation on "what is Chaucer in the changing reality that is the context of Australia," which focuses on portions of four texts: a conversation between Meaghan Morris and Stephen Muecke, Ralph Elliott's 1968 comments on the development of the Australia and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, a Frank Moorhouse short story that mentions Chaucerian Stephen Knight, and Gayatri Spivak's view that Chaucer is a component in an imperialist project.

Chaucer Subjects
Background and General Criticism.